How does it look like?

This graphic shows a recorded large meteor preceded by several small ones.
Here we recorded the passage of a meteor that was much larger than the previous one. For meteors recorded in 2m band it is typical (in comparison to 6m band), that you can see flares on the diagram and yes you can hear characteristic "pings", but they are quite short and the echo doesn't last long. For this to happen the meteor must be large - so that the plasma is quite dense. The higher the frequency of the wave, the higher the electron density of the plasma must be.
Here you can see several small meteors and one larger one.
Here you can see the Doppler effect - most likely a satellite moving away at the most favorable moment "blinks" with radio waves.
And finally - very interesting recording - the same signal recorded twice. On the right side - from a reflection from the meteor. On the left side - most likely - from an EME reflection (Earth - Moon - Earth) - reflection from the Moon. Supposed frequency reflected from the Moon is lower compared to the frequency reflected from the meteor, and the incoming signals on the B-frequency are slightly sooner.

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